Business model

Focus on accessories and own brands

Technology development is accelerating and as society and people’s daily lives become increasingly digital, new and growing need for Kjell Group’s products and services arises. Continuous updating of the range and current knowledge of the group’s sales staff are therefore central to the business and constitute a clear competitive advantage. A direct consequence of our service focus is that we operate almost exclusively in accessories, rather than electronic capital goods. It has many advantages such as higher gross margin and lower competition.

Two platforms for sales in several channels

The online channel and the company’s physical presence with 145 service points constitute a combined platform for Kjell & Company’s experts to provide the best available service in the channel the customer chooses. The service and range are complemented by a set of matching services, such as click-and-collect, own deliveries to customers, home installation and repair. By making the customer offer increasingly seamless, from service and ordering online to the physical meeting, delivery and home installation, customers’ technology needs are met in the best way. AV-Cables offers consumer electronics products online, with fast delivery from the 4.300 sq m warehouse in Jutland. The products largely complement Kjell & Company’s range of almost 10.000 products. The companies will collaborate to further strengthen their offerings on the respective online platforms and in Kjell & Company’s 145 service points in Sweden and Norway.

Our customers

Employees at the company are passionately interested in technology and making it work for customers. The right technical solution can make customers’ everyday life considerably easier and thus increase the quality of life in many ways.

By employees sharing their enthusiasm and know-how, a customer relationship is created characterized by trust and loyalty, which has led to Kjell & Company having over 3.2 million members in its customer club. We invest a lot of energy in understanding customer segments and their needs, which creates good conditions for adapting the range, omnichannels, service, personal offers, etc. in a way that constantly improves the customer experience and thus further strengthens loyalty. Most customers return regularly to Kjell & Company and over time buy both more and more expensive electronic accessories.

Kjell Academy

Many of the employees have spent their entire career at Kjell & Company and most of the store managers started at the company as sales personnel. This guarantees that the strong corporate culture that has always characterised Kjell & Company, the “Kjell Spirit,” lives on.

In order to get the market’s most satisfied customers, it is at the same time extremely important that we contribute to cultivating employees’ genuine interest in technology and knowledge and that everyone is motivated and appreciates their job. In order for Kjell & Company’s sales staff to always be able to deliver current and relevant technical knowledge, the business has therefore built up our own school: Kjell Academy. There are dedicated teachers who produce e-courses, films and books. The main purpose of the school is to secure the competence of Kjell & Company’s sales staff and thus always be relevant to our customers. Much of what Kjell Academy produces is also published for customers.

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