
Jan Friedman

Chairman of the board

Born 1952. Chairman of the board since 2024.

Nationality: Swedish.

Independent in relation to the company and the company management / major shareholders: Yes/Yes.

Education: Degree in Economics, Stockholm School of Economics.

Other current engagements: Board member, Vitec Software Group B.

Previous engagements/Experience: Chairman and member of a number of listed and unlisted service companies as well as companies in media and trade, including as chairman and co-founder of Sportamore,, Netonnet.

Shareholding in the Company: Jan Friedman owns 12,185 shares in the company, privately and via company.

Ingrid Jonasson Blank

Deputy chairman of the board

Born 1962. Chairman of the board since 2018.

Nationality: Swedish.

Independent in relation to the company and the company management / major shareholders: Yes/Yes.

Education: Bachelor of Science in Economics, major in marketing from School of Business, Economics and Law, Gothenburg University.

Other current engagements: Chairman of the board of directors of Kjell Koncern AB and Haypp Group AB. Member of the board of directors of Bilia AB, Fiskars Oy, Musti ja Mirri Oy, Orkla ASA, Forenum Oy, Bergendahl Food AB, Zetadisplay AB, Astrid Lindgren Aktiebolag and BHG Group AB.

Previous engagements/Experience: Chairman of the board of directors of Stockfiller AB, Växtriket i Uppsala AB and Stor & Liten AB. Member of the board of directors of Ambea AB, Martin & Servera Aktiebolag, Kulturkvarteret Astrid Lindgrens Näs AB, Matse Holding AB and Travel Support & Sevices Nordic AB.

Shareholding in the Company: Ingrid Jonasson Blank owns 89,144 shares in the company.

Sandra Gadd

Member of the board

Born 1983. Board member since 2023.

Nationality: Swedish.

Independent in relation to the company and the company management / major shareholders: Yes/Yes.

Education: Masters in Business Administration, Lund University.

Other current engagements: CFO at Boozt, member of the board of Hållbar E-handel.

Previous engagements/Experience: Member of the board of directors of Hövding AB, management consulting and 8 years at Deloitte AB. 

Shareholding in the Company: Sandra Gadd owns no shares in the company.

Fredrik Dahnelius

Member of the board

Born 1971. Board member since 2017.

Nationality: Swedish.

Independent in relation to the company and the company management / major shareholders: Yes/Yes.

Education: Elementary School.

Other current engagements: Member of the board of directors of Kjell Koncern AB and SPACELOOM STUDIOS AB.

Previous engagements/Experience: One of the founders of Kjell & Company. Member of board of directors of Kjell & Co Elektronik AB.

Shareholding in the Company: Fredrik Dahnelius owns 709,990 shares in the company.

Joel Eklund

Member of the board

Born 1980. Board member since 2022.

Nationality: Swedish.

Independent in relation to the company and the company management / major shareholders: Yes/No.

Education: Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from University of Oxford.

Other current engagements: Chairman of the board of directors of, inter alia, TePe Munhygienprodukter AB, Eklund Foundation, Endbright and Fosieby Företagsgrupp EK, and member of the board of directors of Malmö universitet, USWE Sports AB, Parkster AB, Magle Chemoswed Holding AB, Amab Hydraul AB and Malmö Börssällskap.

Previous engagements/Experience: CEO of TePe Munhygienprodukter AB, member of the board of directors of Midway Holding AB (publ) whose shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

Shareholding in the Company: Joel Eklund directly owns 20 000 shares, and indirectly owns 3,400,000 shares via Fosielund Holding AB, in the company.

Simon Larsson

Member of the board

Born 1988. Board member since 2020.

Nationality: Swedish.

Independent in relation to the company and the company management / major shareholders: Yes/No.

Education: Bachelor of Science in Economics, major in finance and accounting from School of Business, Stockholm University.

Other current engagements: Principal at FSN Capital Partners (investment council to FSN Capital IV). Member of the board of directors of Seriline AB.

Previous engagements/Experience: Member of the board of directors of FSN Chip Intressenter AB (Nordlo) and Mørenot AS, Analyst at Goldman Sachs (Publ).

Shareholding in the Company: Simon Larsson owns no shares in the company.

Ola Burmark

Member of the board

Born 1969. Board member since 2021.

Nationality: Swedish

Independent in relation to the company and the company management / major shareholders: Yes/Yes.

Education: Bachelor of Science in Economics, Östersunds University.

Other current engagements: CFO Outpost24.

Previous engagements/Experience: CFO Enea AB (Publ), CFO of ZetaDisplay, Medivir, OneMed, Aditro and SVP Finance and M&A of Thule.

Shareholding in the Company: Ola Burmark owns 22,693 shares in the company.

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