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Our mission is to help people use technology
in ways they did not know were possible.

We improve people's lives through technology

Kjell Group offers the market’s most comprehensive product range in electronic accessories, including advisory services and installation. The business is conducted online in Sweden, Norway and Denmark and via 145 service points, of which 114 in Sweden and 31 in Norway.

Through Kjell & Company’s customer club, with over 3.25 million members, and wholly owned Danish company AV-Cables, the company has a unique understanding of people’s technology needs, and the Group’s approximately 1,200 employees work every day to improve people’s lives through technology. 

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Years of experience
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Swedish flag  kjell.com/se
Norwegian flag  kjell.com/no
Danish flag  Av-Cables.dk
Swedish flag  Av-Cables.se
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